Our products
The Art of Pigment Preparations
It is our aim to grow with the tasks that are set to us and to increase our success together with our customers.
More about productsMore about productsQuality and environmental management
Sustainability has been with us for years and will become even more important in the future. As a company in the chemical industry, Arichemie is aware of its responsibility and makes its contribution to sustainability for people and the environment.
With the introduction of quality management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and the subsequent introduction of environmental management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001:2015, we are setting an external example and raising awareness among our employees.
Responsible Care / Environmental protection
Our aim is to use and produce chemical products safely beyond the legal requirements, to use natural resources sparingly and to minimise our impact on the environment. To this end, we have signed the guidelines of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) and see this voluntary commitment as motivation for our daily work. As a pioneer for water-based products, we consistently refrain from using organic solvents with the classification "flammable", which also have a high potential for emissions of VOC.
By actively participating in commissions of the Association of the Mineral Paints Industry (VDMI), we set industry standards and participate in the drafting of legislation.
Sustainable energy supply
We do not require any process heat for our mixing and dispersing processes, only electrical energy. We have been sourcing 100% of this as "green electricity" since 2023. Our photovoltaic system with storage unit was put into operation in October 2024. We have set ourselves the ambitious goal of covering 30% of our own requirements with self-generated solar power in the future.
Biodiversity has a long-term stabilising effect on ecosystems, their functions and services. For a well-functioning, healthy ecosystem, it is not only the diversity of species that is crucial, but also their composition, the characteristics of the species and the genetic diversity within the species. For this reason, Arichemie is committed to the conservation of ecosystems and their biodiversity.
Water-based pigment preparations
When optimising our existing series, we are guided by the upcoming challenges of the EU's "Green Deal" and the ever-increasing challenges of the various quality seals for the protection of the environment and consumers. By carefully developing effective In-Can Preservation for the various applications, we are making a contribution to sustainability, as products with a longer service life noticeably conserve resources. The newly developed VOCAFLEX-RN series is based on additives made from renewable raw materials and pigments with certified industrial compostability.
Vegetable oils as carriers for pigment preparations
The VOCAPLAST-L and ARICOLOR-N series are continuously being expanded and optimised. This enables us and our customers to reduce the product carbon footprint (PCF). The range of applications can also be extended to food packaging or consumer goods with special products.
UV-curing pigment preparations
As a 100% system, our VOCAPLAST-UV series offers a sustainable alternative to solvent-based products and also requires less energy for drying the final coatings. The use of raw materials with higher purities avoids classification as a hazardous substance and enables use in sensitive applications such as food packaging or toys.
It is our aim to grow with the tasks that are set to us and to increase our success together with our customers.
More about productsMore about productsUN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
We use the United Nations "Protect, Respect and Remedy" framework as the basis for our actions. They are adapted to operational practice via our Code of Conduct (Code of Conduct-INTERNAL) and regularly trained. Our policy statement provides a comprehensive description of the various regulations for the protection of human rights and the environment from heavy metals and persistent substances. It takes into account the specific requirements of the chemical industry based on the VCI's Chemie³ initiative and describes how we are building a sustainable supply chain.
German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and European Supply Chain Due Dilligence Directive (CSDDD)
As a medium-sized company (SME), we are not directly obliged to prepare reports, but we attach great importance to a safe supply chain, raw materials without hazardous properties for people and the environment and a sustainable product portfolio. All our suppliers receive our Code of Conduct-SUPPLIERS. We use an additional supplier questionnaire to determine the status of suppliers and assess risks. Our internal sustainability report documents not only the economic, but also the environmental and social aspects of the company. We are happy to share the contents of the report with our stakeholders on request.