Our know-how – your success.

Every colour is also a technical product reflecting a high level of knowledge and long time experience. As a result, we choose our raw materials carefully. More than 20 years ago, we made a fundamental decision: to no longer use pigments basing on heavy metals (e.g. lead, cadmium, mercury) or other acutely health or environmentally risky material. Consequently we develop following the technical guidelines, the chemical regulation, the decopaint policy, BImSchV, the self-commitment of the chemical industries and the prevailing norms (DIN, RAL etc.). Due to the implementation of REACH within Europe, we made the essential decision, to only use pre-registered raw materials for the development of new products.

An idea is always the starting point of a development. We face all tasks and high demands. It is this attitude that leads us to respect the clients’ request to have limiting values of norms analyzed by the LGA (Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts), the Dekra e.V. or for special applications, like emission factors, by the MTS (Modern Testing Services). Apart from technical requirements, a kosher or halal statement show the purity of certain pigment preparations.

All information regarding our products or other information is based on our up-to-date knowledge and experience. This does not free the processor from testing our products regarding the use in a certain application. A legally binding assurance of certain characteristics or the suitability in a certain application cannot be derived from the information. Possible property rights as well as existing laws and regulations are to be taken into consideration at the sole responsibility of the receiver.